
Sunday, February 9, 2025
16.6 C


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An epistolary in a distillery

So far Ron Shaw has had two goes at espousing his disdain of ‘alarmist tropes’ concerning the current global onset of drastic climate change.

This disaster has been clearly predicted for so many years by those infinitely more scientifically qualified than a local practitioner of epistemological theories. It seems very clear that his lecturing is based on his own political leanings rather than anything remotely connected to the reality of what is now happening around the world before our very eyes and almost every day. The world-class scientific organisations that he assumes have a political agenda of their own won’t be remotely impressed by a bit of provincial grumbling. Mind you, Mr Shaw might have a point; avoidable mass extinctions do have a hint of political urgency about them.

Throwing up a few acronyms and obscure nit–picking inaccuracies may impress a few deniers, conspiracy theorists and flat earth types but having read two of his efforts [so far] I’m led to an inevitable suspicion that there’s a good chance Mr Shaw probably wouldn’t be able to organise an epistolary in a distillery.

Mick Ludden


Promises, promises

The editorial by Flynn Nicholls [Times-Age, August 21] was thought-provoking.

He made mention, among other things, of promises made by the ACT and National candidates. They would remove the ridiculous 80k restrictions on some of the roads in the Wairarapa. And theses candidates were scathing regarding the attempts of labour’s McAnulty to achieve the same result.

That is where the comments of Nichols became interesting. He pointed out that these candidates, along with McAnulty, would not have the power to achieve these aims. Whaka Kohati is an independent body. Who at this stage has the ultimate say? I notice that after a few days, there is no reaction to this point from the right wing. Could it be that they are buoyed by the fact that McAnulty’s hoardings in Kuripuni have been destroyed and theirs have been left intact? I, as a left-wing supporter, could be unkind and say: “It shows us how low the opposition will go to discredit our MP.”

But the reality is more likely that some idiots who have no idea of who stands for what get a kick out of bashing whoever is in charge. At least, I hope that this is the case.

But at the very least one should expect that the likes of National candidate Butterick would refrain from making promises that he knows he could not keep.

McAnulty, an MP and a Minister of many portfolios, has worked very hard for all in this area. But to listen to Butterick, it seems that he has waged war on the rural sector and ignored their plight during pandemics, floods etc. The reality is that the help given to all in need has been amazing.

No one with any sense would expect that, with such major events, all expectations could be met. Yes, elections bring out the true nature of those involved. Sadly, at this stage, it seems that some will resort to using this sort of rhetoric. Telling blatant untruths and more. One has to wonder how these values will carry on into Parliament if these guys are successful.

Flynn Nicholls … keeps asking the important questions. One day you may get a response.

Richard Dahlberg


Poorly organised

Today’s paper [Times-Age, August 24] features on the front page the report from Carterton District Council’s management on the Three Waters implementation.

Unsurprisingly, the government’s water “reforms” are presenting a raft of problems for the local government entities being “reformed”. As with the reform debacles playing out in the health, resource management, housing, justice, education, and polytechnic sectors, the Labour/Green government has shown that it cannot organise a drinks party in a wine bar.

It’s time for Labour and the Greens to be comprehensively voted out of office in October’s general election. Only then, can the damage of the last six years start to be undone.

Ron Shaw


Roger Parker
Roger Parker
Roger Parker is the Times-Age news director. In the Venn-diagram of his two great loves, news and sport, sports news is the sweet spot.

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