Motorists have reported scraping their bumpers on deep roadworks at the Renall St and Pownall St roundabout. The roundabout, which now has a large drop-off on all the exits, is difficult to avoid for many motorists on school runs to St. Matthews Collegiate or Wairarapa College and for a large volume of traffic from central Masterton to Ngaumutawa Rd. Masterton District Council [MDC] said the work is to fully replace the road structure around the roundabout. This week’s work has been carried out at night to minimise traffic disruption. MDC said it hopes to complete the work tonight, weather permitting. Traffic management is in place when work is underway, and the work area is marked in the daytime.
Cars damaged on roundabout work
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Send the council the bill for the damage cars
No doubt this will be another “dragged out” project and perpetual cone nightmare, including frustrating speed reductions that continue during times of non work.
Should have been completed at night.There have been periods of dry weather lately.
It’s ridiculous how long a small job like that is taking.
Car owners should not have to sustain damage to their cars because of the appalling conditions they are expected to negotiate their vehicles around.
Why not do a detour? While the works are carried out.