Waka Kotahi NZTA is set to mark out the third and final roundabout on SH2 tonight. The Ngaumutawa Rd temporary roundabout layout, which will be unavoidable for all traffic entering Masterton from the south, will be in place until mid-May. It will be resealed later this month, but until then, the surface will be gravel. The transport agency said crews will be monitoring the gravel surface and keeping it as smooth as possible but will set a temporary speed limit of 30kmh given the high volume of traffic. Crews will also be on-site overnight on Friday, during the day on Saturday, and on Sunday night. Waka Kotahi said drivers should allow for extra journey time, especially during morning and evening peak hours.
Roundabout roadworks on SH2 reach third base
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The NZTA and Councils invoved have there own agenda how the project will move forward and residents, business will just have to follow.
Nice clinical report, but could you please ask Waka Kotahi why they are not finishing one roundabout before moving onto the next. I have tried to enquire, to no success. No reply.