
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
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Ngāti Kahungunu man steps up

After two weeks on the job, the new chief executive for Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotū [TWAO], the mandated iwi authority for Ahuriri (Napier), with close links to Waiararpa is finding his rhythm.

Matthew Mullany from Ngāti Pārau, Ngāi Te Ruruku, Ngāti Matepū, Ngāti Hāwea, Ngāi Te Whatuiāpiti, and Kuki Airani, said he was “extremely honoured” to serve in the role.

“For the past two weeks, I have been learning about the business and building relationships in the community,” he said.

“It is impressive to see different organizations partnering together to create stronger outcomes.”

Mullany added that he was “excited to return home” but also has close whakapapa links to Wairarapa through the Manihera whānau at Papawai Marae.

“I went to school here, my whānau and marae are here and the mahi we put in now will benefit the mokopuna of Te Whanganui a Orotū.”

“There is a big task ahead to address the current inequities facing our people, but we have always had the solutions based on our reo and our tikanga.

“It is a privilege to serve the organisation to realise the dreams of our tīpuna in bringing prosperity and wellbeing to our people.

TWAO encompasses eight marae and 17 hapū from Te Hāroto to Kohupātiki (Clive) and includes Te Hāroto, Petane, Tangoio, Waiohiki, Moteo, Wharerangi, Timikara and Kohupātiki.

TWAO board chairman, Hori Reti, who announced the new tumu whakarae in April after Mat signed his contract said they were “ecstatic” Matthew was joining them.

Mullany, joined the Taiwhenua [district] from the Office of the Auditor General where he delivered the first Te Ao Māori Strategy and established a rōpū of Māori leaders to advise the Auditor General.

He has worked for almost 20 years in the public and private sectors, while also serving his marae and hapū of Ngāti Kahungunu.

Reti identified Mullany as a problem solver, strategist, and someone with an “unwavering dedication to the people of Te Whanganui a Orotū”.

“After having spent almost 20 years in Wellington working in the public and private sectors, we are delighted that he has brought his skillset home to benefit our hapū and marae and our region,” he said.

Previously, Mullany worked at Deloitte, and has experience at the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Education and Te Arawhiti, Ministry for Māori-Crown Relations.

In a governance capacity, Mullany has served as trustee of the Mana Ahuriri Trust, Ngāti Pārau Hapū Trust and Waiohiki marae.

“Matt will be a valuable asset to the Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui A Orotu organisation.”

“He brings good experience from his time with the Office of the Auditor General.”

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated chairman Bayden Barber said he eagerly anticipated his return to Te Matau ā Māui [Hawkes Bay].

A pōhiri officially welcoming Mullany into his new position took place at Pukemokimoki Marae, Maraenui, Napier on April 27.

Mullany has filled the role left by the previous chief executive officer Tania Eden who resigned in October after six years.

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