By Jake Beleski
The controversial Warehouse pop-up store in Greytown has gone, but there is every chance it could be back in the future.
The store opened to largely positive reactions on October 19, and closed as planned on January 2.
Warehouse spokeswoman Sarah Leaning said the venture had been a success.
“We were really pleased with the response to our pop-up store in Greytown over the summer.
“Customers really enjoyed the variety of products that were available.”
The store was put in place to give South Wairarapa residents better access to Warehouse products without having to travel too far.
“Our click and collect service in-store proved really popular, with many customers commenting that it saved them a trip to Masterton.”
The store was stocked with seasonal goods including gardening products, camping gear, fans, and paddling pools and accessories.
Greytown retailers and residents had voiced their concerns around the brand not fitting in with the town’s image and branding, while some residents were concerned that the pop-up store would be detrimental to small-town business.
They were especially concerned for local gardening or homeware stores.
But the results spoke for themselves, Ms Leaning said.
“Given the success, we’re certainly open to the idea of returning here in the future.”